Public Art Projects

The Hendred Owl Trail

Over the years, the owl has become a symbol of East Hendred, and has been adopted by a number of local groups including some of the village sports clubs.  It is also the emblem of the Hendreds School and appears in a stained glass window in Snells Hall.


In 2016 five wooden owl sculptures were installed around the village as a public art project.  The project was funded by housing developer contributions, generated by the new homes established on the northern edge of the village.  Each owl represents an historical aspect of the village.
The project also delivered a new noticeboard with the owl motif, located on the A417, near Portway Close.  The timber used for the owl sculptures was donated by Hendred Estate, and the owls were crafted by Nick Speakman of 3D wood.

1.  Drapery Owl

Located in the historic centre of the village, the Drapery Owl, represents East Hendred’s past association with the drapery industry.

2.  Knowledge Owl

Located near Snells Hall, which originally served as the village school, the Knowledge Owl celebrates the history of educational provision for children living in East Hendred parish and the wider area.


3.  Maori Venture Owl

Situated opposite the entrance to Orchard Stables, the design takes its theme from the racing industry which was an important part of the village scene for many years.


4.  Poppy Owl

Tucked in a nook by the seat opposite the war memorial, this sculpture with it’s vibrant red poppy, reflects the contribution made by parishioners during wartime.

5.  Produce Owl

Watching over the allotments, the Produce Owl reflects the village’s agricultural history and a period when the landscape was dominated by commercial orchards.

6.  Owl Noticeboard

Situated near the entrance to Portway Close, the noticeboard with its Owl motifs connects the newest area of the community with the historic centre.