What’s On

What’s On

What’s On in The Hendreds from Friday 26th July 2024

Church Services
Sunday 28th July 2024

9:30am – Holy Trinity, West Hendred,  Holy Communion (CW)
11am – Holy Trinity, Ardington, Holy Communion (BCP)
Family Church Service
Note that the Family Church Service at East Hendred is now on a
summer break and will return in the Autumn.

St Mary’s Catholic Church, East Hendred
Sunday Masses:
9:30am, 6pm


Hendred Store and Post Office
Please note that the shop will be closed next weekend,
Friday 2nd August and Saturday 3rd August,
due to a family funeral.
Thank you for your kind understanding.
Nickie and Steve.

BAAA Posies & Punnets every Saturday
at Bowling Alley Allotments, Old Road 10-noon
Fragrant posies – lots of sweet peas – and bigger
bunches of colourful flowers, plus plumptious
blackberries, opalescent white currants and
tender courgettes.
Bring your youngsters down to pull a carrot,
pick their own blackberries and see potatoes being dug!

Hendred Sports Club
Fancy trying some new sports?
Tennis, Pickleball, Badminton, Basketball
For £10/family – Hendreds Tennis Club
will be providing equipment to allow you
unlimited time to practice this Summer
Email play@hendredstennis.co.uk to find
out how to access the racquets and balls.
See the poster.

Weekend Paper Round Available – Hendred Stores

  • Saturday and Sunday Morning
  • Within East Hendred
  • Takes approximately 20 minutes on bike / scooter
  • Minimum age 13 years old
  • Parental permission required
  • Please enquire at Hendred Stores if interested


Regular Events:

HEG Community Larder and Cafe
Monday 29th July at Snells Hall
Note: No Cafe this week
Session 1: 4:00 – 4:45pm – Cycle or walk
Session 2: 5:00 – 5:30pm – All means of transport
To join the larder click below

Hendred Museum at Champs Chapel is open every Saturday
and Sunday 2.30 to 4.30 until the end of October where you
can visit our current exhibition in “The street where you live”
series which focuses on St Mary’s Road. A fascinating insight
into the people, houses and events that have happened over
the past 150 years. See the artefacts and photographs we
care for that show East Hendred through the ages.
We look forward to welcoming you.

Friday Night Board Games
Come and join our open, friendly, welcoming group to play
board games of all types on a Friday evening.
I will bring a variety of games, some you may have heard
of others you will not have.
Message me on: 07881950400 or maxwellgilbert@me.com
if you would like me to add you to the group WhatsApp.
Location often at the Wheatsheaf, but please check the
WhatsApp each week for confirmation.
Looking forward to meeting you,

 Tots – Baby and Toddler Nature Walk
A free nature walk suitable for tots, toddlers and their grown ups.
Mondays at 3pm. The meeting point changes weekly.
For more information and to join the WhatsApp group, please
message Alice 07787766186
Follow on Instagram @oxfordtots


Events in Ardington and Lockinge

The Trumpeter is a monthly e-newsletter giving details of events and activities in
Ardington & Lockinge.
If you’d like to receive this, email susannaproudfoot@gmail.com and she will
add you to the mailing list.


Spread the word!
Please tell people about ‘What’s On in the Hendreds’.
Anyone can receive the messages by emailing
events@hendred.org and their email address will be added to the mailing list.
The mailing list contains no personal information and
is used only for telling subscribers what’s on locally.

Tell us about your event!

Send information for future weeks’ messages (or comments) to events@hendred.org